戸部眞紀奨学財団 奨学生募集
掲載日2014.6. 5
◆応募資格 Qualifications
Students who study in Japanese universities (Both undergraduates and graduates can apply)
Whose major should be related to "Chemistry/Food science", "Art", "Physical education" or "Business administration".
◆ 奨学金の概要 Details of the scholarship
募集人数 全国で42名 42 students will get this scholarship.
奨学金月額 年間60万円
Grantee will receive ¥600,000 for a year. If s/he is receiving any other scholarship, only \300,000 will be paid.
◆申請書類 Applications
①奨学生願書(財団指定様式)Application form
②推薦状 Recommendation letter
③在学証明書 Enrollment certificate
④成績証明書 Academic record
⑤住民票 Certificate of resident
*If you are receiving any other scholarship, you have to submit some document which certify the scholarship's detail.
⑦写真1枚 Photogragh
書類提出締切 :2014年6月16日(月)必着 ※国際課に提出する
Submission deadline : Submit all documents to International office by Monday, June 16 2014.