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Oct 25 was all about the Philippines. Organized into two sessions, Iwate University students used the Global Village to share life-changing lessons learned as volunteers in Manila and Cebu. The first segment was a presentation on the discovery of happiness and familial love, inspired by a homestay in the capital, Manila; the following Cebu session was a lively, interactive memory game whose pictures, when matched, brought about commentary and insights regarding life in the region.
次のグローバルビレッジイベントはハロウィンの伝統紹介とジャック?オ?ランタン作りのワークショップです!ランチを持って、お友達も誘ってグローバルビレッジへ! 10月31日(火) 12:00?13:00 学生センターB棟 グローバルビレッジ
Our next Global Village event is an introduction to Halloween traditions and a workshop on how to make the iconic jack-o-lantern. Bring your lunch, and a friend! Oct 31, 12-1pm, Global Village, Student Center-B.