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第7回外国人留学生による【岩手のいいところ】写真展 International Student Photography Contest
掲載日2019.12. 2
第7回外国人留学生による【岩手のいいところ】写真展 インスタグラム留学生フォトコンテスト「#わたしと岩手2019」開催のお知らせ
Call for entries: The 7th "Best of Iwate" International Student Photography Contest and Exhibition #Me and Iwate 2019
Why don't you share your photos stored on your mobile phone or camera for the international student photo contest? This year's theme is "Iwate surprised me!"
Would you like to introduce what you were amazed by in Iwate in photos?
【応募資格 Entrant requirements】
International students enrolled in higher education institutions
【応募方法 Entry procedure】
① インスタグラムアプリを、ダウンロード
② iwateuniversity_international 公式アカウントをフォロー
③ 二つのハッシュタグをつけて投稿
#わたしと岩手2019 #MeandIwate2019
④ キャプション欄に「びっくりした理由」を記入
⑤ お一人、何作品も可能
⑥ 応募者にはインスタグラムメッセージで、お名前など聞きますので、必ず返事してください。
1. Download the Instagram app
2. Follow the Iwate University International Office official account "iwateuniversity_international"
3. Upload a photograph with 2 hashtags in Japanese or English
#わたしと岩手2019 #MeandIwate2019
4. Enter "reason for the surprise" in the caption field
5. We accept more than one photograph.
6. We will ask the applicants for their names via Instagram DM, so please be sure to reply.
応募期間 Entry period
December 2, 2019 - January 15, 2020
選考方法 Selection procedure
The best works are decided by the judging council. In addition, the number of "Like" on Instagram are considered. Certificates and prizes will be awarded to the winners.
注意事項:ポスター2ページ目の注意事項を良く読んでから応募お願いします。 Please be sure to read through the note on the second page of the poster.