bet36体育在线_365体育手机版-投注|备用网址4年度 いわて留学生友好交流奨学金 受給者募集
【選考の基準 Selection criteria】
Students who can participate in international exchange activities actively in Iwate Prefecture.
Students who can participate in campaigns of career support for international students in Iwate Pref.
which the association assigns.
Students who have sufficient Japanese ability to participate in international exchange activities or
have daily conversation.
10 students will be recommended (including the recipients who wish to extend).
1 応募資格 Qualifications
Graduate or bet36体育在线_365体育手机版-投注|备用网址 students in Iwate University as of April 2022.
If the applicants receive any other grants, the total should be less than \48,000.
2 奨学金の概要 Outline of the scholarship
支給者数:10名(岩手県内で) 10 students will win this scholarship in Iwate Pref.
期 間:2022年4月から2023年3月までの1年間 From April 2022 to March 2023 (1 year)
給付月額:2万円 \20,000 per month
3 選考方法Screening
Screening of application materials and interview (Scheduled on April 9th)
4 提出期限 Submission Deadline
2022年3月14日(月)17:00 / 5pm, March 14, 2022
国際課へ提出 Submit to the International Office