
英語スピーチコンテストGandai English Speech Contest

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v5_Poster speech contest revised 2-01.jpg

English will be followed.

岩手大学国際教育センターでは、岩手大学の正規生(日本人?留学生限らず)を対象に、英語スピーチコンテストGandai English Speech Contestの出場者を募集します。詳細は、以下のとおりです。



11月26日(金)16:50~18:30 (100分)
場所 多目的室(学生センターB棟)


※スクリプト送付先 ジェイコブピーターセン
メール題名:「Script for Gandai English Speech Contest Trial」と表記すること

スクリプト送信締切日 11月1日(月)12:00

1. "Uniqueness of 2020 Olympics"
-How did they inspire you?
-How have they affected Japan?
-What are your thoughts on the uniqueness of the 2020 Olympics?
-What was your favorite moment?

2. SDGs
-How do SDGs impact life in Iwate?
-Talk about one SDG that impacts Iwate and a group that addresses it?

3. SNS
-How has social media impacted your life?
-Does SNS make you happier?
-Does SNS improve your life at Iwate University?


1位 がんちゃんタンブラーと琥珀ボールペン
2位 がんちゃんタンブラー
3位 がんちゃんタオルハンカチ
参加証 がんちゃんマスキングテープ

Iwate University International Education Center is looking for participants in the Gandai English Speech Contest, for full-time students (Japanese and international students) of Iwate University. The details are as follows.

● Purpose
The purpose is to improve the ability to express one's opinions logically on topics while improving their English and presentation ability.

● Contest outline
Fifteen Iwate University students will be contestants, and each student will have a four-minute speech. Judges will decide the 1st to 3rd place, and give awards. This contest will be released on YouTube.

● Date, time and place
Friday, November 26, 16:50-18:30 (100 minutes)
Place: Multipurpose room (Student Center Building B)

How to participate
1) Entry (Google Form) by October 22nd (Fri.)
2) Create a script for it.
3) Send the script to Professor Jacob Petersen at the Center for International Education.
Send to
Deadline for sending scripts: Monday, November 1, 12:00

● About the contestants
You must be a full-time student at Iwate University (regardless of nationality).

If there are too many applicants, International Education Center will screen them and select about 15 students.

● Speech theme

1. "Uniqueness of 2020 Olympics" - How did they inspire you?
-How did they inspire you?
-How have they affected Japan?
-What are your thoughts on the uniqueness of the 2020 Olympics?
-What was your favorite moment?

2. SDGs
-How do SDGs impact life in Iwate?
-How do SDGs impact life in Iwate?

3. social networking
-How has social media impacted your life?
-Do social networking sites make you happier?
-Do social networking sites improve your life at Iwate University?

● Speech conditions

? Do not read the script during the speech.
? Clothing must be formal. (Suit, etc. T-shirts not allowed)

● Awards

1st place Gan-chan tumbler and amber ballpoint pen
2nd place Gan-chan tumbler
3rd place Gan-chan towel handkerchief
Participation certificate Gan-chan masking tape